Child Abuse 

1) Physical Abuse
  • Beating, slapping, or hitting.
  • Pushing, shaking, kicking, or throwing.
  • Pinching, biting, choking, or hair-pulling.
  • Burning with cigarettes, scalding water, or other hot objects.
  • Severe physical punishment.
    • Shaken Baby Syndrome - Shaking a baby or toddler can cause serious head injuries.
    • Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome - Inducing medical illness in a child or wrongly convincing others that a child is sick is both dangerous and abusive.
    • Drug use during pregnancy - Drug and alcohol use during pregnancy or lactation can be harmful to your child, leading to problems such as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
    • Some signs of physical child abuse:

      • Burns, bite marks, cuts, bruises, or welts in the shape of an object.
      • Resistance to going home.
      • Fear of adults.

2) Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse of a child is any sexual act between an adult and a child, including penetration, intercourse, incest, rape, oral sex, and sodomy. Other examples include:
  • Fondling - Touching or kissing a child's genitals, making a child fondle an adult's genitals.
  • Violations of bodily privacy - Forcing a child to undress, spying on a child in the bathroom or bedroom.
  • Exposing children to adult sexuality - Performing sexual acts in front of a child, exposing genitals, telling "dirty" stories, showing pornography to a child.
  • Commercial exploitation - Sexual exploitation through child prostitution or child pornography.
  • Sexual child abusers can be:

    • Fathers, mothers, siblings, or other relatives.
    • Childcare professionals or babysitters.
    • Clergy, teachers, or athletic coaches.
    • Foster parents or host families of foreign-exchange students.
    • Neighbors or friends.
    • Strangers
    Some signs of sexual child abuse:

    • Inappropriate interest in or knowledge of sexual acts.
    • Seductiveness.
    • Avoidance of things related to sexuality, or rejection of own genitals or body.
    • Either overcompliance or excessive aggression.
    • Fear of a particular person or family member.

3) Emotional/ Psychological Abuse is any 
attitude, behavior, or failure to act that interferes with a child's mental health or social development.Other names for Emotional abuse are:
  • Verbal abuse
  • Mental abuse
  • Psychological maltreatment or psychological abuse
  • Emotional child abuse can come from adults or from other children:

    • Parents or caregivers
    • Teachers or athletic coaches
    • Siblings
    • Bullies at school or elsewhere
    • Middle- and high-school girls in social cliques
    4) Neglect
Neglect is a very common type of child abuse. More children suffer from neglect than from physical and sexual abuse combined. Yet victims are not often identified, primarily because neglect is a type of child abuse that is an act of omission - of not doing something.
Some signs of child neglect:
  • Clothing unsuited to the weather.
  • Being dirty or unbathed.
  • Extreme hunger.
  • Apparent lack of supervision.